My name is Larissa Gourevitch. I am the Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ (Canada) and the Certified Dietary Supplement Professional™ (USA).
To bring you back to normal life, I devised the "KNOW YOURSELF" protocol using modern scientific achievements.
I am the life-time asthma and COPD sufferer. I had my ups and downs, due or despite to medical treatments. At a very grim point of my life I had lung capacity of 30%. I was not able to climb 20 steps without wheezing, feeling breathless, and heart beating so strong I thought I’m dying. I was so depressed I could get from the bed in the morning. So I decided to get to the root of it.
I gave up my 6-figure salary and cushioned job, and went to Nutrition school.
Here I am, 4 years after. I am 63. I am alive. I am playing tennis with my friends (here I’m wearing orange). I now can play 2 hours every morning and not feel beaten up or exhausted – and also climb those 20 steps without any complications whatsoever.
And I am also transforming my client lives. They breath freely again using my "KNOW YOURSELF" adjunct lung disease management protocol!
The "KNOW YOURSELF" Protocol was presented at the HEALCON-2023 conference and got industry approval!